Q1:How to fill "快递" in the order format ?
A1:kuaidi only need to pay once per seller, usually based on the seller's website. However, sometimes base on the items' weight and number too, you'll need to pay extra if your item(s) is/are over weight. Our china's warehouse is located at hangzhou city zhejiang province.

Q2:How to estimate the items weight ?
A2:Usually skirt,T shirt :200-300g/pic
                   Jeans,jacket :800-1500g/pic
The weight of different items are all defferent, only can estimate,We will calculate the final shipping for you base on the final weight we measure

Q3:How long does it take to arrive SG?

A3: Normally it will take 5-7 working days from the day the order is paid & finalized for the items to reach Singapore .However, some items may take longer time due to item out of stock or delay in deliveries by seller.

Q4: What should I do if I found out that there are missing items in the order I received from you?

A5: When the items arrived Singapore, please come and collect asap,  We suggest you double check the quantity upon receiving. you need to inform us within 24 hours if there is any missing items.
We promise if there are any missing items (irregardless if it is the seller's fault or missing during the process of transit), we will be responsible for that. We will re-order the missing item(s) for you or to refund you with the amount for the missing item(s).

Q6. What if you find the items not up to expectations, In terms of quality, such as colours or sizes?
A3: We promise that we will order exactly per your order list, however, we cannot guarantee that the colours, sizes, or quality will be per your expectations, as different products from different shops may be different in terms of colours, sizes and quality. It is highly recommended that customers liase with the shop owners directly for queries regarding sizes and colours.
We will not be liable for the quality of the products as it is the responsibility of buyers to select reliable shops to purchase from.

NOTE: If you wish to ensure that the product you receive exactly matches the size and color which you order, and the product is not defective or dirty, please pay a 10% service charge on top of the price of the product.